Death in Tierra del Fuego


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Death in Tierra del Fuego
the forgotten aviation pioneer Gunther Plüschow

In the First World War “The aviator of Tsingtao“ is the one-man air force of the German emperor in China. He is the only prisoner who ever succeed in escaping from a British prisoner of war camp.
He competes with the aviation legends Lindbergh and Saint-Exupéry. With daring expeditions to Patagonia he gains late fame – he pays with his life for these discoveries when his plane crashes into the sea. He is the first pilot to capture aerial images of the Darwin Cordillera and Cape Horn. His travelogues become bestsellers and make him a star in Berlin in the roaring twenties.

Death in Tierra del Fuego – The Anatomy of a forgotten hero.

Production: Eike Schmitz, Philipp Grieß
Directed by: Eike Schmitz
Camera: Philipp Grieß
Sound: Sebastian Reuter
Editor: Mathieu Honoré
Thanks to Gerhard Ehlers and Roberto Litvachkes